Saturday, January 29, 2011

Life and Loss


We live
We die
We live eternally
We die eternally

My friend's brother just died.
I feel a bit numb.
My eyes start to well with tears but I stop them or they stop themselves.
I want to scream, "WAKE UP, you have life live it!"
I have no voice to talk only eyes that betray my heart.
Where am I?
What am I doing?
Where do I turn?
I turn to You.
Where else would I turn?
Drinking, no, drugs, not likely, men, meh.
I turn to you.
I look to You.
You are the One who gives life.
You are the One who knows my life.
You love me, You see me.
You love me. You know me.
My Love where have you gone?
Let me find you.
Come to me lest I faint here and die without your touch.
I will look for you, look for me.

I am My Beloved's and He is mine:)


Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Good to be here, by chance I found this very interesting and informative and thought provoking jottings here.
keep writing
find some time to visit back

Simlpy Angie Marie said...

Thank you for posting that video.

Unknown said...

Did you write this? Awesome. I'm a fellow blogger who stumbled upon your blog. Good stuff, keep it up!
