Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sherry Palmer

Hello my name is Sherry Palmer and I am a blog stalker. Yes I look up people's links and then see who is stalking Sherry Palmer and never admitting it. I am also writing Sherry Palmer so much be cause maybe then people will google me and now that I am not the evil Sherry Palmer from 24. So there is the confession of the hour and also this Sherry Palmer is avoiding homework, aaahh. Back to the books.


THACI said...

I want to hear all oabout new you. Keep writting

Trail Rider said...

you make me smile, sherry palmer

Trail Rider said...

you make me smile sherry palmer

Jen said...

Hi Sherry, I don't know if I've ever commented on your blog. So I'll comment now. I like the new look by the way :)

andrew + camille said...

oh my word!! that is wAY TOOOO HILARIOUS!!! YOU ARE SHERRY PALMER!! i just realized that. a and i watch 24 all the time and never even put that together... you are not evil. you are wonderful.
i am glad you are doing better.