Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Counting my blessings

I like posting thankfulness. I complain too much as it is.
#21. Went for coffee with Kamelle after a night shift. She so gracious, loves me even though it seems like she always gets me when I am super tired.
#22. New friends at work who I can relate to and go out with.
#23. Ginger ale to relieve nausea.
#24. A new knitting project for home!
#25. Portable Knitting project, 1/3 done my scarf!
#26. Cool weather. (hats and scarves season)
#27. More organized than less.
#28. Friends who I can connect with even when I don't see them for months.
#29. All night worship sessions.
#30. Finding forgiveness and mercy for myself and others.
#31. Books on tape!

I could write more but I am going to have a bubbly bath(#32).


Nin said...

My thankfulness list for today:
#1. YOU!
#2. Coffee.

إنْ للعشقْ لـ سڪَراتْ ! said...

I liked ur blog
Waiting for more
my regards :)